Thursday, June 4, 2015

Story of My Life

Well said 8-year old somewhere in the world, well said.

For Whom The Birds Chirp (They Chirp For You)

     It's Friday, June 5, 12:39AM and for some reason all the birds in my neighborhood are having a get-together on our lawns. This is the fourth night in a row that after my night shift I come home, to my room, and sit on my bed to the whistles and chirps of these night creatures. It's funny, it's silly, it just doesn't make sense to me. I'm sure there are some peer-reviewed articles in the endless web from an ecological journal society dedicated to the phenomenon I have observed, but I have not taken the time to look it up. 


   I kind of like not knowing why these birds are all of a sudden so awake, so seemingly energized this late/early. Call me a dreamer, a right-brainer, a sentimentalist but I kind of see it as God talking to me. The truth is "upon every flower is written God is love" and I'll take any notion of that I can find. I guess that's what desperation does to a person. I'm just glad God doesn't give up on desperate people.

Monday, February 23, 2015

 The life of a scientist is one of constant ambiguity. One has to be okay with theorems, almost nothing is a fact. I like science. Growing up I was okay with not having an answer for everything — so long as I knew I would get to one eventually. Science is finding a potential answer until you find another potential answer, etc, etc, but mostly science is just about finding.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

There is hope for the helpless

Rest for the weary
Love for the broken heart
There is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are

~Third Day~
Make Me Strong

I know I’m waiting
Waiting for something
Something to happen to me
But this waiting comes with
Trials and challenges
Nothing in life is free
I wish that somehow
You’d tell me out aloud
That on that day I’ll be ok
But we’ll never know cause
That’s not the way it works
Help me find my way

My Lord show me right from wrong
Give me light make me strong
I know the road is long
Make me strong
Sometimes it just gets too much
I feel that I’ve lost touch
I know the road is long
Make me strong

I know I’m waiting
Yearning for something
Something known only to me
This waiting comes with
Trials and challenges
Life is one mystery
I wish that somehow
You’d tell me out aloud
That on that day you’ll forgive me
But we’ll never know cause
That’s not the way it works
I beg for your mercy

My Lord show me right from wrong
Give me light make me strong
I know the road is long
Make me strong
Sometimes it just gets too much
I feel that I’ve lost touch
I know the road is long
Make me strong

II: Farewell Mr. Lingers

"I had been looking for you for quite some time, and now that you're right here before me things aren't the way I imagined. I'm not dressed in the right clothes, I don't have the right hairdo, it's raining and cold out, and I'm late for a meeting. Either way, if I don't tell you now, perhaps I never will."

Mr. Lingers was taken aback to see his friend after so much time.

"Ms. Blinters, I had no idea you were going to be here - ..."


"..I'm just surprised"

As always Mr. Lingers was short on words, he was one of those outgoing introvert types whose inner nature is that of a louder mind than tongue.

"You once asked me why I never spoke with Ms. Lares, and I told you that it was none of your concern - basically that it was between us. What I wish I would have told you, or rather asked, is for you to consider why Ms. Lares never came to me herself with the issue. You see, I never had anything against Ms. Lares in that period, in fact we had both talked over issues years in the brewing. So to know that she felt not only comfortable to tell you that I had not spoken with her, but to involve you in our issue whatever it may have been speaks volumes - at least to me. Perhaps you were offended by my reply to you, but the truth is I don't agree with what I believe her to have begun. Much more for Ms. Lares to have spoken down about me - no matter how minor - to you, only highlights the past to me and that she has not changed much. Ms. Lares is still the same girl who told me that I needed to find someone to befriend my own age. The irony here is evident."

"You came all the way here to talk to me about Ms. Lares?"

"The role of Ms. Lares in our friendship is a lot more significant than you may ever realize, perhaps because by the time you do you will both be in agreement about something I can and will no longer prevent. I am here to try and help you understand an issue that I can't actually tell you about."

"I wish you would stop talking in riddles."

"Oh, Mr. Lingers, how deeply I reciprocate that feeling.."

To be continued...
When I understand family, I come to understand why God is love.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Your love is Green and Whole

Have you ever tried a snack or food from one of those whole foods or health grocery stores?

Just now, I was finishing up a half of my Subway cookies (gingerbread & double-chocolate) on our way out of the house. I didn't have much time to make something, so I also brought along a lemon fig bar. Two completely different snacks on the nutritional value chart
:-) As I was eating I began to think that God's love is a lot like that lemon fig bar.

Not a lot of people want to consider lemon fig bars for a couple of reasons: they are a bit more costly than other snacks, and simply because they are healthy. Although there seems to be somewhat of a health trend with my generation, it's so much easier to just opt for a 60¢ cookie at a deli down the street. The cookie tastes good, and by golly gee if it's from Subway how bad can it be?

Each Subway cookie has 18g of sugar and 30 carbs, opposed to the fig bar nutritional content of 10g of sugar and 20 carbs. Needless to say that because the ingredients for the fig bars are natural, the bars become a sort of super food. Yes, I went there.

After finishing my fig bar I don't feel like I want to eat more like with the cookies, I felt satisfied.

We really are what we eat- i guess this puts me somewhere in the middle. :/ More than anything we are what we mentally consume. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I saw a friend post this today, and thought it was too good not to share. :)

Friday, January 16, 2015


They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I think of how God pursues us, and how we have free will. God already knows what our final choice will be, but in a sense we still have to make that choice. Would it be wrong to say that God pursuing His children is God doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results from us? Would it be okay to say that love is insanity?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

So it is the winner and runner are quite the same...

I have spent years trying to actuate a certain image for myself, often without realizing that the most ‘lovely’ image of myself was quite possibly throughout my journey of life. Throughout the journey most are unaware that they are being watched or admired. In contrast, individuals who are at the destination or believe themselves to be so are in reality just on another journey entirely. So it is that the winner and the runner are both quite the same. The ideal is to believe that everything is a journey and everything can be accomplished in time, patience, humility.

The Silence of God

 Is the silence a thornbush, halting my path? 

Is the silence the whisper of God?

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Selfies From Awhile Back, because..Just Because.

I once read in an article that all the people that we see in our dreams are people that we have seen at least once in our lifetimes - pretty crazy huh? Well it's comforting to me that there's an explanation for it, because I did wonder about it. In fact, my belief that there's an eventual explanation for everything is comforting.

Friday, January 9, 2015

"Take and make me all you want me to be, that's all I am asking." 

- Shaun Groves

Love In The Hard Times

So today a friend told me that I remind him of Marcie from Peanuts, which was his response to my telling him the previous day he reminded me of Charlie Brown. I don't know how I feel about this lol Out of all the girl characters on Peanuts, she is one of the more favorable ones in personality but she secretly likes Charlie Brown...

On another note, as I was thinking today I thought about how growing up I had this tendency to feel as if I wasn't really payed attention to by some who were close to me. I realize now that they were treating me the way that they knew -- pretty much the only way. I see now the difference between knowing what one's supposed to do, and having the strength to do it - gives a whole new take on compassion...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Nothing is ever as it seems. I only have so much control over life situations. It's okay.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

I'm re-learning to be okay with God speaking to me.

It's a new year, and it started off great with friends and family. I was able to see fireworks from a friends home throughout all downtown. Our church friends had one of those wrap-around porches that kind of give you a 180 degree view of the city and the fireworks display all around - it was truly awesome. It's funny, some years I have felt this sort of nostalgia or sense of loneliness in the beginning of things like new years, but not this year. This year I felt a sort of completeness in knowing that I am giving life what I can while I have it. So many things happened this year, and packing them all into one memorable moment would be friendships. I learned a lot, about self-value as well - and it wasn't easy. Sometimes I look back on pictures I have taken from this year, a sunny day, a cloudy day, even family pics, and it's quite apparent that God was speaking to me. God spoke to me when the day was beautiful. God spoke to me when I was surrounded by family. God spoke to me when no one was around, and I felt I should pray and actually did pray. God spoke to me when there was silence. (Ironic.) Sometimes God spoke and I didn 't want to accept His voice, because I felt like I had it all under wraps - 'it's a good day today God, I think I can figure it out from here'. Sadly, this was the case for a lot of moments this year. I know that God gives second chances, but I don't want to continue testing Him. I pray that you all who come to this blog are blessed with a full new year, and that we may both accept the offer God gives us of today. Happy New Years & Happy 2015! :)