Wednesday, November 12, 2014

"It's not what we do know that hurts us so much, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so."
- Will Rogers
"To be hypocrite is human"

My professor in college English would say how Adventists have these sayings and habits that are overused - kind of like potluck or haystacks. I think what my professor was trying to imply was that as Christians we shouldn't be so 'Adventist' we forget we are also human. As Christians there is always going to be the temptation to grow comfortable in a sort of mold that keeps us from branching out to others. 
This professor is the same person who told us that hypocrisy and humanness are parallel values. I remember being skeptical in class that all humans are hypocrites, but really we are. The truth is humans would have to be hypocrites to need a higher being to save them from themselves. Being a hypocrite is akin to dying daily. I once said in an earlier post that you can be friends with someone without liking what they do. So the friendship is constant, but habits change. Similarly, people who believe in God call themselves Christians, but that doesn't mean that they don't make mistakes day by day.
After considering this quote on the hypocrisy of humanness, I began to realize how truly profound it is because it signifies that humans need a higher being than themselves to not be a hypocrite. So this is to say that individuals who believe that there is no God, that we are our own, believe it is fine to be human, to be hypocrite. To not be a hypocrite, is to be more Godly. God made us in his image, but we tend to sway from it don't we?