Thursday, June 4, 2015

For Whom The Birds Chirp (They Chirp For You)

     It's Friday, June 5, 12:39AM and for some reason all the birds in my neighborhood are having a get-together on our lawns. This is the fourth night in a row that after my night shift I come home, to my room, and sit on my bed to the whistles and chirps of these night creatures. It's funny, it's silly, it just doesn't make sense to me. I'm sure there are some peer-reviewed articles in the endless web from an ecological journal society dedicated to the phenomenon I have observed, but I have not taken the time to look it up. 


   I kind of like not knowing why these birds are all of a sudden so awake, so seemingly energized this late/early. Call me a dreamer, a right-brainer, a sentimentalist but I kind of see it as God talking to me. The truth is "upon every flower is written God is love" and I'll take any notion of that I can find. I guess that's what desperation does to a person. I'm just glad God doesn't give up on desperate people.

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