Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Opposite Way

I fill my gut like a malnourished infant, always crying, it's never enough.
Never finding the sanctified panacea to warm my soul to the love of Christ.
Like a misled child, I am slow-to-warm-up - I fear the very thing that cures me.
I sting my veins to the brim with ephemeral potions of lust, hate, and pride.
Cum laude I am embraced by cords of superficial scholasticism and arrogant autonomy.
Swimming mid-distance of a deep lake, I am overcome by a revolting realization that I do not know where I am heading, and I have no safeguard of familiarity to calm me - I choose to end it all.
So I drown.

I drown myself in thoughts of 'not-good-enough', 'shoulda-coulda-woulda', 'what will they think', and 'what ifs' of eternal sorts...

What if they don't accept me? What if I am never the young woman that God created me to be?
So I choose, I make a choice. Better to take action, better to make mistakes because then I'll grow, right?
I made many choices, many seemed to be right, but they all seemed to lead nowhere.
I follow the path my mom suggested, it wasn't good enough.
I follow the path the world wants, I didn't like it like I thought I would.
I follow the path I want, I still struggle.

Perhaps after another failure I will finally ask my Father what He wants me to do?
Perhaps then I will know what really went wrong,
perhaps then I'll actually be able to see my childhood Jesus that has come to tell me
"I who speak to you am He."

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