Saturday, May 14, 2016

"It's weird to think that in this very moment someone is lying alone in their death bed, balancing between life and death or reuniting with an old lover tightly wrapped in a warm embrace or writing a suicide note, pondering different ways to say goodbye right in this moment someone's heart is fluttering from a first kiss and someone is breaking from a goodbye." 

~ H.C. ~

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Crying Woolf

The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages.
Virginia Woolf

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Priority Mail

I am a wildflower you discovered on your daily nature walk.
I am a simple species, or so I like to believe.
Lacking the extravagance of certain exotic and favorite blooms, I often sway in nature’s hidden rooms. 
When you find me you will know whether I am a keepsake, replaceable, or merely admirable.
Then, by how the sun continues shining on my face or if I feel a new embrace
– I  will  know  too.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Love Letter

In love perhaps we are all too careful

When we fear we’ll be unraveled.

Perhaps we are too suited, too layered up.

Not opening up of self, not emotionally available enough.

I want to tell you that—


I liked you with time, and soon loved too.

I want to share all that I am with you,

And I hope that you can see this desire.

Don’t give up on me, and I hope to not push you away in the mire.

The world out is dark, could we light one last spark,

Make it a hearty flame that no one can tame?

We’ll warm by it like it’s fall, like the season of my birth.

Sharing joys, and hopes, and mirth.

I want you to be mine.